Based on the answers you have provided to the questions, it appears your best fit your four letter type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
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Routine Information Collected from All Visitors

TypologyCentral is a hobby site without any gainful interest in the course of its own exclusively personal activity. TypologyCentral does not offer goods or services, nor does it advertise or have any revenue. As a forum where anonymity is the norm, you should not share any information that will identify you personally. All web servers track basic information about their visitors and our site is no exception. This information includes things like IP addresses, browser details, timestamps and referring pages. None of this information can personally identify a specific member or visitor. The information is tracked for routine site administration and maintenance purposes, and lets us know which pages and information are useful and helpful to visitors. We also use website analytics tools to retrieve information from your browser, including the site you came from, the search engine(s) and the keywords you used to find our site, the pages you view within our site, your browser add-ons, and your browser's width and height. This information is used to assess and improve the effectiveness of our site. It is not however tied to individuals. The site does not monitor the activities of its members and in no way does it track individuals online activity for purposes of creating profiles, or to take decisions concerning her or him or for analyzing or predicting her or his personal preferences, behaviors and attitudes.

Information Collected from Members

When you make an account on TypologyCentral, we ask for your email address, which is used to provide you with periodic updates on forum activities and automated notifications, such as email updates for new threads posted in a sub-forum, or an incoming private message. Site moderators and administrators may also contact you via this email address. You are encouraged to keep your identity a secret. To use this forum, you must use an email account that is not connected to your "real life" identity. We also ask for your age, which is used to determine access to age-restricted subforums. You may provide other information as part of your member profile, such as your ZIP code/location, preferences, occupation, and interests, but this is strictly voluntary.

Members may choose to take personality tests that are linked from the site home page or at other places on the forum. The significant majority of those tests are hosted on other websites that TypologyCentral has no relationship with. We take no responsibility for those tests, those sites or information you enter into them. We do have two tests that are hosted by TypologyCentral - the Free Typology Central Jung Test and the TypologyCentral Social Media Test. Your individual results are placed in a file in a public directory accessible to anyone who visits the site. Results from these tests are also stored in a database and the information in that database may be used for various purposes such as to help people determine their personality type or to facilitate improvements to these and other tests. The information may be analyzed in various ways to support studies on personality type, preferences, testing methods and the like. The results are not tied to your member name, userID or email address though if you post your results on the forum, that connection is established. At no time will this information be used to target individuals for marketing campaigns or other purposes, nor will it be resold for such purposes.

We collect personal information from those applying for the Typology Central Scholarship, the details of which vary from year to year and are listed on the Scholarship application page. This information is used as input to select the scholarship winners and is used for no other purpose. Information provided by Scholarship applicants is deleted within sixty days of the scholarship winners being announced. Essays are published on the forum and through social media and are not considered personal information.


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What You Post or Share

This site is structured with the intent of members on the forum preserving anonymity while interacting here. On the other hand, members may choose to become Facebook friends, exchange personal emails, or even meet in person at meet-ups, foregoing that privacy. Should you engage in such activity, privacy is your responsibility. Ultimately it is up to you to decide how much personal information to disclose, and to protect information you wish to remain private. The vast majority of information you share on the forum is accessible to anyone on the public Internet, so anyone can view what you post. Other areas are restricted to members, or more specifically to members over a certain age or post count. Keep this in mind as you choose what to post and where. Information that you post in publicly accessible forums may be reposted or accessed via links that are shared on sites outside of TypologyCentral, such as blogs, Twitter and other websites. If you wish to protect your identity, you need to be cautious about whom you connect with on social networking sites such as Facebook.

Do not externally share or reblog information posted in private members only sections of the forum as information in those areas is intended for members only. You should never share private information about others.

Since this forum is intended for public sharing of information and encourages you to remain anonymous, privacy is largely your personal responsibility. Any requests related to individual rights or complaints related to privacy should be sent to

General Suggestions On Protecting Your Information Online

Be careful what personal information you share online, especially on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, forums like this one, and even in email.
Create a separate email account for registering on social networking sites and other online spaces. Don't connect it with your real name or identity.
Don't feel obligated to fill out fields that are not required when registering online or provide identifying information.
In your online user profile or forum avatar, use a photo that doesn’t identify you or your location, so you can’t be recognized.
Choose a username unrelated to your real name, usual nickname, or other identifying information, ideally one that is gender and age neutral.
Websites such as Facebook change their privacy policy all the time, so check your privacy settings periodically to make sure you are sharing only the information you want to share, with only those people you trust and not the general public online.
Do an Internet search of your name periodically to see where you appear online. If you find unauthorized information about yourself, contact the website admin to request its removal.
The order of preference for your cognitive functions appears to be
Te > Ne = Ni > Ti > Fi > Fe > Si > Se
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